
Which Countries Have The Best Work-life Balance?

According to a survey by Compare the Market AU, Spain topped the rankings because it provides…

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global economy

How AI Can Impact The Global Economy & Workers

Investigating the global development process of AI is essential given its significance and industrial growth, especially…

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Danish Workers Union Participates In Swedish Tesla Strike Action

Since the Danish trade union 3F joined Swedish mechanics in their strike action against Tesla on…

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Denmark To Accept Foreign Workers Without Work Visa

Some international workers are finding it simpler to work in Denmark. New rules came into effect…

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Working Hours In Taiwan Grew In 2022

A report on international labour that was given by Taiwan's Ministry of Labour (MOL), shows that…

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Which Country Can Employees Find The Best Work-life Balance?

Which Country Can Employees Find The Best Work-life Balance?

New Zealand, Spain and France top the list globally while Taiwan and Singapore are the best…

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