
Reduce Pay For Remote Work? Australian Workers Say No



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While some Australian workers think that working from home can improve their output, well-being, and health, the majority of them will pass up the chance to do so if it means accepting a salary decrease.

55% of workers are unwilling to forgo a pay raise in exchange for the ability to work remotely, according to a survey of 1,113 employees carried out by Akshay Vij, an associate professor at the University of South Australia’s UniSA Business, and Research Fellow Lynette Washington.

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31% of these workers do not believe that working from home has any “significant benefits.” 

Rather, if they are not working in the office, many worry about how it will affect their relationships inside the company, their chances for professional development, and their educational options.

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Nonetheless, over 25% of participants said that they would be willing to accept a pay reduction ranging from 16% to 33% in return for the ability to work remotely. This is equivalent to between A$12,000 (USD$10,601) and A$24,000 (USD$21,203) of their yearly wage. Furthermore, the majority of these workers have white-collar positions in the “knowledge economy”.

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Employees in their 30s and 50s are statistically more likely to be against returning to the office, while female employees are 28% more likely to favor working from home.

On the other hand, younger workers in their 20s who are just beginning their careers are less likely to value remote work since they most likely value face-to-face connections with their superiors and coworkers.

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The researchers recommended that companies adopt a multimodal approach to find the right balance between meeting the demands of each worker and drawing in and keeping top talent.

While some employees might be offered the chance to work from home in exchange for a higher payment, others might be concerned about the potential consequences for their career if they choose this option.

“Many employees place a high importance on flexibility and in-person interactions. Now that COVID has shown us how many of our occupations can be done from home, finding the correct balance will become increasingly vital, the researchers said.

Related link: Employees In Australia Are Less Likely To Work Remotely

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