
Australia Takes Steps To Boost Economic Equality For Women


The Australia Retailers Association (ARA) welcomed the Women’s Economic Equality Taskforce’s (WEET) a 10-year plan that aims to increase Australian women’s economic contribution. This is done by removing workplace barriers for women in areas such as leadership, workforce participation, and pay equality.

According to the ARA website, Paul Zahra who is the Chief Executive Officer, stated that the retail sector is dedicated to correcting imbalances and promoting gender equality as one of the major private-sector employers of women in Australia. 

He said that gender equality is a critical issue in the retail sector. Therefore, we welcome this long-term view outlining the steps we need to address the issues. He stated that in order to help focus and accelerate this work, ARA has developed a Gender Equality Position Statement. This statement outlines the key changes that our sector requires to make to address inequalities.”

Related link: Women Underrepresented In Private Sector

WEET’s Women’s Economic Equality: A 10-Year Plan to Unleash the Full Capacity and Contribution of Women to the Australian Economy report identifies AU $128 billion (US $81.9 billion) in economic value that can be realised by removing barriers to women’s leadership, participation, pay gaps, and wealth equality.  

The WEET taskforce was an independent committee formed to advise the government on how to enhance women’s economic equality and achieve gender equality.

WEET recommended that the Australian government provide women with lifelong, affordable and accessible education. Other than that, skill-building opportunities to encourage initiatives that assist women in entering or working in traditionally male-dominated fields.

Zahra showed support by stating that ARA would be happy to collaborate with the Australian government. This is to offer new courses to assist women in positions of leadership and management in the retail industry.

He also supported the initiative to reduce childcare pressures for women. He noted that daycare costs play a big role in stopping women from entering the labour sector. “Addressing this issue would certainly produce better outcomes for women,” Zahra said in a statement.

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