
Housing Standards For Workers Aren’t Met


Almost half of companies have failed to comply with the Workers’ Minimum Housing and Amenities (Amendment) Act 2019 (Act 446).

The Peninsular Labour Department initiated 392 inquiry documents this year on errant companies who failed to provide suitable housing for workers.

The employers from 284 incidents were handed compound penalties which totalled to RM2.71 million, said the department’s deputy director-general of operations. 

He resented the fact that companies had neglected to look after their employees’ health, cleanliness, and housing safety.

“I hope they can come forward and seek advice from the labour department to ensure workers’ accommodation provided by them meet the requirements outlined in the Act.”

Related link: Singapore’s MOM Advises Employers That Only If They Have Reasonable Accommodations For Their WPHs Will Work Permits Be Granted

After performing Op Walit in Kulim, Asri met with the media. As of now, eight shoplots utilised as dormitories for foreign workers in Taman Tiram were examined.

“Today’s operation focussed on whether employers have acquired the certificate of fitness for occupation or at least applied for one.”The examination today discovered that the offered accommodation does not have this certificate from the labour department.

“In fact, there were no records of applications for this certificate as required under Act 446,” he added.

According to Asri, 23 inquiry documents were opened today for Act 446 violations such as failing to provide beds, mattresses and bathrooms. Additionally, he went on to say that each infringement is punished by a punishment of up to RM50,000.

Lastly, thirty officials from the Kedah occupational safety and health department and the Social Security Organisation took part in the operation today.

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