pay gap

Reducing Singapore’s Pay Gap & Supporting Lifelong Learning

pay gap

pay gap

Through systematic training and career planning, Singapore government intends to close the pay gap between skilled tradespeople and knowledge-based professionals. In addition, the government would collaborate with the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC), business groups, and higher education institutions to assist Institute of Technical Education (ITE) graduates in upgrading their skills early in their employment.

The goals were laid forth in the Forward Singapore report stated that every profession in Singapore must be appreciated and appropriately compensated. The government will aim to foster a culture of lifelong learning beyond grades.

Plumbers, electricians and workers in the healthcare and aged-care sectors are among those who hope to gain from increasing demand. According to current data, many of these employees earn less than S$3,000 (US$2,190) per month. This is less than the S$4,500 (US$3,285) national median for full-time workers.

Related link: Japanese Labour Union Is Pushing For A Wage Increase In 2024

Singaporeans who already have a publicly financed diploma or higher level will also receive assistance in earning another publicly funded diploma. More considerable expenditures will be made in the general workforce to assist mature mid-career Singaporeans. Employees would also receive a “further, substantial top-up” of the SkillsFuture Credit, which is intended to meet Singaporeans’ learning requirements.

The study also reaffirmed the government’s ambitions to extend the concept of merit. This is to provide more diversified educational routes. For example, by investigating the use of adaptive learning technology and AI.

Minister of Manpower stated that the government is committed to allowing individuals to design their own careers and investing in Singaporeans obtaining international experience. Other goals include closing pay inequalities, offering financial assistance to involuntarily jobless workers. Furthermore, they also plan to ensure Singaporeans have a financially secure retirement, according to The Straits Times. 

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