
Index of Asian Women-friendly Workplace Policies Launched

With the assistance of a new effort, organizations in Hong Kong and Asia will now be…

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South-East Asia Has More Female Directors

According to Deloitte Global's Women in the Boardroom: A Global Perspective, which published its eighth edition…

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Women Get 77 cents Each Dollar Males Earn

As per a recent survey, women receive 77 cents for every dollar earned by males in…

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Female Workers Prefer Flexibility In 2024

Three out of five female employees are eager to shift employment with a new employer, and…

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GLC fulfilled 60% of women returning to work

GLC fulfilled 60% of women returning to work

Women returning to work in GLCs exceeded the 60% target set by the government, reaching 88%,…

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Women In Japan Earn Only 70% Of What Men Earn

Women In Japan Earn Only 70% Of What Men Earn

There remains a shortage of female representation in leadership positions, with women holding only 9.47% of…

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Women Launch Businesses To Better Manage Work-life Balance

Women Launch Businesses To Better Manage Work-life Balance

Women have long been a minority among entrepreneurs but more women decide to start their own…

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