GLC fulfilled 60% of women returning to work

GLC fulfilled 60% of women returning to work

GLC fulfilled 60% of women returning to workThe percentage of women returning to work in government-linked companies (GLCs) exceeded the 60% target set by the government, reaching 88%, said Minister Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri.

However, the Minister of Women, Family and Community Development said that private companies may not have reached the 60% target.

“Perhaps there are certain criteria that need to be met to enable the private sector to hire more women, or there may be other reasons, such as they are more likely to work from home,” she said at a press conference after the National Women and Family Council Meeting at Menara LPP, according to FMT.

Nancy aims to reach a higher percentage, such as Singapore, which reports more than 70% of women returning to work. Still, various factors need to be taken into account.

“We need to support everything, especially the salary. They have to send the child to a care center. Government agencies are there, but the private sector may not be,” she said.


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In the meantime, Nancy said the meeting included a discussion on the issue of early marriage among young people to examine possible intervention measures.

She said the views of representatives of other ministries related to constraints in achieving the target percentage of women returning to the workplace also heard through the meeting.

“The meeting also discussed whether maternity leave for 98 days and paternity leave for men is still sufficient, considering the lack of childcare centers in some private agencies.

“We also discussed whether the extension of the women’s tax until 2027, with an increase in the subsidy to RM3,000 for women, is enough or not,” he said.

In Budget 2024 last Friday, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim announced that the government will extend the tax exemption for women who return to work until 31 December 2027.

She said it was one of the efforts to encourage women to return to work.

At the same time, the government will also increase the income tax exemption limit on childcare allowance from RM2,400 to RM3,000.

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