
Job Openings Are At All-time High In Malaysia



According to statistics issued by the Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM), the number of open positions posted online increased 23.5% in Q2’2023, reaching a record 261,231 vacancies from 211,509 vacancies reported in Q1’2023.

Furthermore, the Chief statistician Datuk Seri Dr. Mohd Uzir Mahidin stated that the Big Data Analytics Job Market Insights and My Job Profile: Job Vacancies Advertised Online in Malaysia report showed that in Q2’2023, 70,571 establishments posted openings, a significant rise from the 55,006 establishments recorded in the previous quarter. In the meanwhile, openings increased annually in Q2’2023 by 29.3% as opposed to Q1’2023 by 32.9%.

Related link: Job advertisements need not specify salary

In addition, professionals made up the most portion of openings by employment type in Q2 2023, accounting for 48.1% of all openings, or 125,625 positions. Managers (15.1%), service and sales personnel (6.9%), technicians and associate professionals (18.3%), and other personnel came next.

Dr. Mohd Uzir discussed the most in-demand talents in the labour market, citing statistics that demonstrated employers had a strong desire for soft skills, which included fluency in English, good communication, Bahasa Malaysia, planning skills, and marketing ability.

“In addition, there is a growing focus on hard skills, such as proficiency in Mandarin, analytical aptitude, Microsoft Office proficiency, filing expertise, and project management skills,” he stated. According to The Star, Dr. Mohd Uzir advised job searchers to continuously enhance and match their abilities with the demands of the ever-changing labour market.

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