Job Seekers In Singapore Predict AI-Driven Hiring As Unreliable


According to a recent study conducted by the National University of Singapore (NUS) Business School, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and the International Institute for Management Development (IIMD), job candidates may view the use of AI in the recruitment and selection process as unreliable.

Specifically, they consider techniques including human help to be more dependable than algorithm-based decision-making throughout the recruiting process.

The aforementioned occurs at a time when human resource (HR) departments are using AI technology more and more to find and select qualified job candidates. Professor Jayanth Narayanan of the NUS Department of Management Organisation has noted the “many benefits that AI can bring to organisations.” He did, however, caution that AI cannot take the role of human engagement and touch, which are essential to HR functions like hiring. 

Therefore, we anticipate that our research will help firms use caution when implementing AI in their HR hiring procedures because there might be consequences to their image and brand.

As per the August-released report, candidates for jobs believed that human intervention is more equitable than a totally automated approach.

Related link: OCBC Creates AI Chatbot To Boost Staff Efficiency

The study found that the main cause of this feeling of unfairness is AI’s poor ability to identify the unique qualities of applicants.

Furthermore, AI-enabled procedures could miss crucial details and perhaps exclude qualified applicants. This is in contrast to human recruiters, who are more skilled at evaluating applicants’ qualifications.

Furthermore, there are potential ethical and legal risks linked to the use of algorithms in HR recruiting. These might include lower human oversight risk, loss of privacy, lack of openness, and hiding of accountability.

One research participant said, “I feel like the emotions I put into applying for the position were wasted since computers can’t relate to emotions the same way humans can.” Consequently, even if algorithms can improve productivity and efficiency in HR management, organisations should prioritise using human recruiters in the recruiting process wherever feasible, as the research has confirmed.

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