Police and ministry work together to screen babysitters

Police and ministry work together to screen babysitters

Police and ministry work together to screen babysittersThe Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) has agreed to assist the Women, Family, and Community Development Ministry (KPWKM) in screening potential babysitters.

Based on report by Bernama, the agreement was achieved, according to KPWKM minister Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri, at her meeting with Datuk Seri Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay, the Deputy Inspector General.

She announced that action would be taken in order to lessen child abuse in daycare facilities and nurseries.

“I have requested that they (police) help in the vetting process on babysitters, and they (police) agreed,” she told reporters after opening the Strategic Partnership Programme on Anti-Sexual Harassment Advocacy with Express Rail Link Sdn Bhd on 31 October.

She stated that in order to formalize the situation, KPWKM and PDRM will hold additional talks.


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She believes that to protect the well-being and security of the kids in their care. The recruiting process for babysitters needs to be regulated.

“Recently, there have been reports of foreigners becoming babysitters and this has become a challenge. We want action to be taken so that this does not happen because these people (foreigners) come here (to Malaysia) not to work as nannies or babysitters. They do not possess permits to work as babysitters,” she said.

She noted that as part of the ministry’s oversight therefore spot checks would be conducted at daycare facilities.

The KPWKM@Advocacy Anti-Sexual Harassment Roadshow was carried out with the Strategic Partnership Programme on Anti-Sexual Harassment Advocacy.

She stated that the program’s goal is to eradicate the culture that normalizes sexual harassment. Thus, it is done by raising awareness and educating people about it.

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