
Hybrid Working Influencing How We Dress


According to a recent International Workplace Group (IWG) study, quiet luxury, dopamine dressing, preppy streetwear, and independence are the new blacks in the workplace.

The survey, which polled over 1,000 hybrid employees over the age of 18 in August of this year, discovered that the adoption of hybrid work has redefined office attire and affected the way most people dress for their professions.

Almost four-fifths of respondents (79%) stated they dress differently now because of their flexible work hours. Though they dress slightly more formally in the office than at home, comfort is the most important factor, with 53% of all hybrid workers seeking clothing for ease as they switch between professional and personal tasks in a flexible work setting; 35% blending casual and formal elements of clothing; and only 21% “dressing up” more than before going hybrid.

Men are the most likely to change their work clothes, with 85% reporting a change, compared to 77% of women and 62% of non-binary or fluid people.

By age group, millennials are quick to adjust to new attitudes, with 86% changing their preferences. Gen X comes in second with 77%, followed by Gen Z with 74%. Boomers, on the other hand, are evenly divided, with 51% detecting a change.

So, which styles are popular among hybrid workers? According to the poll, four upcoming fashion trends have been identified:

  • Quiet luxury (47%) – being represented by sleek clothes and accessories and a less-is-more approach

  • Dopamine dressing (38%) – featuring bold colours and rich textures, expressing joy at work

  • Preppy streetwear (25%) – a fusion of refined elements with urban casual aesthetics where style meets functionality

  • Individualism (22%) – breaking stereotypes and boundaries to express oneself through what he/she wears

‘Tomato Girl/Boy’ (29%), ‘Coastal Grandmother’ (36%), and ‘Tailoring’ (42% are additional notable trends).

Related link: Citibank India Offers A WFH Option Of Up To 12 Months

More than half of hybrid workers (57%) stated their companies had dress requirements. Whereas, 79% said they are “strictly enforced” by their employers.

While gym clothing (58%), miniskirts (56%), and crop tops (54%), are considered unacceptable, employees said that their employers tolerate jeans (79%), sneakers (78%), sheer detailing (56%) shorts (54%) baseball hats (49%) and flip flops (47%).

Meanwhile, more than two-thirds (69%) of hybrid workers stated that what they wore to work reflected their title and level of responsibility within a hybrid work structure.

When in doubt, employees refer to the following for guidance:

  • Boss (19%)

  • Retail store websites, displays and social media (14%)

  • HR (13%) is on par with TikTok + social media influencers (13%)

  • Their own judgment on what to wear in the office and on screen while on the job (12%)

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