
Mental Health Support Missing In Singapore Workplaces



Despite a rise in workplace stress, Singaporean organisations are not doing enough to support the mental health of their workers.

ADP Research Institute’s People at Work 2023: A Global Workforce View report indicates that, compared to 57% in 2022, just 51% of workers believe their employers support them with their mental health at work. They are also not getting support from their coworkers; in 2023, only 54% of them felt supported by their peers, down from 61% in 2022.

“During the pandemic and the immediate years after, many employers were aware of and supportive of measures to alleviate mental health and stress,” stated Yvonne Teo, Vice-President of HR, APAC, ADP. Nevertheless, these support networks have diminished as the pandemic wanes and companies return to growth as their primary goal. However, employees continue to face extreme stress. 

According to ADP, 68% of workers report feeling stressed out at least once a week, with the majority (28%) reporting feeling stressed out two or three times a week, and 12% reporting feeling stressed out every day.  All in all, over two thirds (67%) feel that stress has a negative impact on their work.

Related link: Singapore Launches Network To Promote Mental Health At Work

As a result, more businesses are implementing employee assistance programmes and team-building exercises as ways to support employees’ mental health. However, ADP has advocated for more action, pointing to the need to integrate support into regular work procedures and foster an atmosphere where workers feel encouraged to voice their concerns.

Managers must regularly check in with their staff members and maintain open lines of communication in order to guarantee the success of this ecosystem. Teo recommended that organisations teach and prepare managers to spot stress indicators in staff members and respond quickly by providing resources for assistance or directing them to alternative support systems or activities.

“A caring workplace culture is extremely valuable for both employers and staff,” she continued. People are far more likely to perform better at work, use fewer sick days, and have a more favourable opinion of their employer when they feel protected and supported

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