
Singapore Launches Network To Promote Mental Health At Work


Singapore has significantly aided in the development of mental health and wellbeing in the workplace with the establishment of the Wellbeing Champions Network. This program’s goal is to provide businesses the ability to cultivate a happy workplace and give employees the resources they require to be successful.

In addition, the network is made up of managers that are charged with leading programmes for mental health within their company which are called “wellness champions”. These advocates are essential in promoting policies that are helpful, selecting mental health programmes, and setting up procedures for staff members who need professional help.

In order to promote the exchange of best practices and expertise, the Wellbeing Champions Network gives its members access to a special platform and tools. Furthermore, starting in January 2024, champions will have the chance to take part in training sessions that emphasise self-care methods, recognising burnout symptoms, and encouraging candid conversations about mental health.

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With over 50 founding members, the Wellbeing Champions Network includes companies such as Dow Chemical Pacific, the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC), the Institute for Human Resource Professionals, and Jardine Matheson Singapore that have adopted advanced wellbeing practices. 

Gan Siow Huang, Singapore’s Minister of State for Education and Manpower, at the initiative’s launch said that according to the World Health Organization, good work and workplace support good mental health for individuals by providing a livelihood, a sense of confidence, purpose and achievement which is needed for humans to thrive, and create an opportunity for positive relationships,” said 

Gan also announced the Tripartite Advisory on Mental Health and Wellbeing at Workplaces’ growth as part of the project. Launched in 2020, this advice offers guidance to companies on how to effectively assist the mental health of their workforce. According to The Straits Times, the increased efforts include putting in place a peer support system and taking into account employing people with mental health issues in order to foster more inclusive workplaces.

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