HR Project Reintroduced 3,000 Women To The Workforce


According to HR Minister V. Sivakumar, almost 3,000 women have returned to the workforce under the Career Comeback Programme.

“In 2015, the programme was implemented to encourage women professionals who had left their jobs to return to their careers.”

“As of September this year, a total of 3,255 women took part in Career Comeback workshops and seminars involving 335 companies which offered employment to those interested in returning to work,” he told Shaharizukirnain Abd Kadir (PN-Setiu) in the Dewan Rakyat on Tuesday (Oct 31).

In addition, Sivakumar stated that 1,109 organisations implemented the Work-Life Practises (WLP) project between 2015 and September of this year.

Related link: Women Underrepresented In Private Sector

He stated that WLP is aimed at young professionals in order to encourage them to stay in the workforce by balancing their family and work lives.

He went on to say that the Social Security Organisation (Socso) has arranged 39 courses through MyFutureJobs between January and October to upskill women and increase their marketability in employment.

“A total of 1,325 women took part in the programmes.”

“Of this number, 222 were successfully employed while 526 qualified for a second interview,” stated the executive director.

Sivakumar further stated that there is presently no policy requiring private enterprises to provide nursery facilities.

He stated that the private sector is only encouraged to do so, which was positively appreciated by various industries.

Private enterprises should offer up childcare facilities at their own workplaces to encourage women to return to the job.

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