
Women Underrepresented In Private Sector


Malaysia’s Ministry of Women, Family, and Community Development reports that the public sector has surpassed its target of 30% female involvement in decision-making roles, with a current figure of 38.8%, but the private sector continues to lag.

Minister Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri emphasised the need of closing gender inequalities in the private sector. 

 She also noted the ministry’s limited influence over private-sector decisions. She went on to explain that the government has implemented policies which include tax benefits. This is to encourage women to work. Furthermore, they are also researching ways on how to achieve its goal of 60% female job participation.

“We are in the midst of making certain reforms to encourage women to return to the corporate sector, including making legal framework reforms for working females and organising advocacy programmes such as ‘Jerai Wara’ and ‘Wanita Bangkit’ at a national level,” she went on to say. Jerai Wara is an anti-sexual harassment campaign, whereas Wanita Bangkit is a project that helps women overcome obstacles and grow as successful entrepreneurs.

Related link: Women In Japan Earn Only 70% Of What Men Earn

Nancy proposed expanding workplace facilities such as nursery centres, nurseries, breastfeeding rooms and other critical support to encourage more women to return to work.

The ministry has assigned some of these matters to the National Women and Family Council (NWFC). Nancy emphasised that the NWFC’s main objective is to uplift women and oppose all sorts of discrimination based on gender. This complies with both Malaysia’s duties under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and Article 8 of the Federal Constitution.

She concluded that the council is aligned with the country’s National Family Policy in building and strengthening family institutions. It serves as a platform for stakeholders such as federal government agencies, private sector representatives, academics and NGO to provide ideas and perspectives on how to empower female and enhance family institutions comprehensively.

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