Maybank Singapore To Provide Better Paternity Leave Benefits


If they have completed at least three months of continuous service, all male employees are qualified, regardless of the nationality of their child.

For children born on or after October 1, 2023, Maybank Singapore has expanded its paternity leave entitlement from two weeks to four. Any male Maybank Singapore employee who has worked for the company for at least three months straight is qualified, regardless of the nationality of their child.

When using this, the paternity leave can be taken in one continuous block within 16 weeks of the child’s birth or, with mutual consent between the bank and the employee, in one continuous block or non-continuously within 12 months of the child’s birth.

Related link: Standard Chartered Provides Minimum 20-week Paid Parental Leave Effective On 1 September

The increase in paternity leave reflects Singapore’s dedication to assisting new families, particularly the responsibility of fathers to spend time with their infants.

The government’s intention to extend paternity leave was unveiled in February of this year during the Budget 2023 statement. Working fathers will have access to four weeks of paid paternity leave starting on January 1, 2024 which is more than the previous two weeks given.

On January 1, 2024, this adjustment will go from being optional to being a requirement, and employers who provide the extra leave will get paid by the government.

“The parental leave landscape has been evolving in recent years to better accommodate the needs of the employees and work-life balance,” said Wong Keng Fye, Head of Human Capital at Maybank Singapore. In 2017, Maybank improved its maternity leave policy to enable qualified female employees to extend their leave for up to a year. We intend to give our employees more support as they transition into parenthood by implementing the paternity leave augmentation early.

The action, he continued, serves as a reflection of Maybank Singapore’s dedication to fostering a family-friendly workplace.

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