Kelantan Coffee & Batik Have International Potential

Kelantan Coffee & Batik Have International Potential

Coffee and batik textile garments created in Kelantan have the potential to enter the international market and should be highlighted during this year’s Buy Malaysian Products Campaign (KBBM).

According to Azman Ismail, the Kelantan branch director of the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living (KPDN), this is because the items created by Kelantanese entrepreneurs are of equivalent quality and standard to those found in the worldwide market.

“So far, 15 local companies have formed partnerships with the Kelantan KPDN in order to participate in this year’s KBBM.”

“In fact, on Aug 26, three companies represented Kelantan at the East Zone Malaysian Goods Mini Carnival, which took place in Kuantan, Pahang,”.

Azman further expects that the government’s efforts, through the KBBM, will act as a spark for all small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) entrepreneurs to effectively access the international market and promote domestic trade.

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KPDN Trade, Distribution, and Business Sector senior director Datuk Rohaizi Bahari previously stated that the ministry has created strategic partnerships with 16 top local retail enterprises countrywide, as well as three online platforms, to drive local products.

He stated that a total of RM10 million was set aside for KBBM, with RM3 million going to the 16 enterprises involved in exchange for displaying a unique sector of Malaysian-made goods on their premises.

“Thus far, we have also received between 20 and 30 applications from other companies interested in participating in this campaign, and more than 245,000 types of products were recorded in this campaign,” he stated.

Meanwhile, Azman reported that from January 1 to August 31, this year, 49,445 litres of subsidised fuel were recovered during operations conducted under ‘Op Tiris,’ with seizures totaling RM106,222.

Although these syndicates always adapt their methods to evade discovery, he claims that tight KPDN regulations to prevent illegal sales have led to 85 arrests so far, with the majority of suspects seized at the country’s borders.

“Those detained will be investigated under the Control of Supplies Act 1961, and the state KPDN is always enhancing enforcement to monitor these controlled items so that consumers can fully benefit from the government subsidy,” he stated.

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