Malaysia Continues The Trend of More Individuals In Employment

Malaysia Continues The Trend of More Individuals In Employment

Malaysia Continues The Trend of More Individuals In Employment

The number of employed people in Malaysia has remained on the increasing trend in the second quarter of 2023 although at a slower rate of 2.8% (444,900 persons) year-on-year. This was compared to 3.1% in the previous quarter with a record of 16.15 million people, according to the Department of Statistics’ Labour Market Review Q2 2023

During the same period, the employment-to-population ratio indicates the ability of the economy to create employment rose by one percent (p.p) from the same quarter of the preceding year, to 67.5%. 

Quarter-on-quarter, the number of employed people increased by 0.5% shows growth of 84,100. Consequently, the employment-to-population ratio also increased by 0.1 p.p against the previous quarter. 

Most employed people comprised of semi-skilled occupations category, making up the share of 59.2% (9.55 million people) in Q1 2023. This category increased by 2% (184,000) compared to Q2 2022. 

Furthermore, the skilled occupations category that made up 27.9% of the total employed people, grew by 2.9% (125,600) year-on-year and registering a total of 4.51 million people. The remaining 12.9% was in the low-skilled category, which grew by 7% (135,300) and accounted for 2.08 million people.

Related link: Malaysia’s Labour Productivity By Sector in Q2 2023

Against the previous quarter, the number of employed people in all skill categories recorded an increase although at moderate rate. The semi-skilled category grew 0.4% (37,200) from Q1 2023. Meanwhile, the number in skilled and low-skilled occupations categories rose 0.6% (25,400) and 1% (21,400) respectively. 

By status in employment, all categories of employed people indicated year-on-year positive trends in Q2 2023, except unpaid family workers. Making up 3% of the total employed people, this category declined 1.2% (6,000) from Q2 2022 to record 490,300 people. At the same time, the employees’ category, made up of paid employment in the public and private sectors, encompassed 75% of employed people. The number in this category surged 1.9% or 228,400 people to record 12.10 million people. 

Those employed as own-account workers are those involved in various roles from traditional employment as farmers, retailers and hawkers to professional employment such as consultants and freelancers. This group comprised 18.4% or 2.97 million people after showing a rise of 7.1% (195,800) compared to the same quarter of the preceding year. 

Meanwhile, the employers’ category, which comprised 3.6% of total employed people, went up by 4.8% and thus accounted for 585,200 people in Q2 2023. 

  • The employees’ category grew 0.4% (45,500)

  • Own-account workers grew by 1.1% (32,700)

  • Both employer and unpaid family worker categories improved marginally by 0.6% (3,500) and 0.5% (2,400) respectively

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