12,000 cybersecurity experts needed in Malaysia

12,000 cybersecurity experts needed in Malaysia

12,000 cybersecurity experts needed in MalaysiaMalaysia still lacks about 12,000 cybersecurity experts in various fields to deal with the issue of cyber attacks. It was a challenge in the government’s efforts to drive the nation’s digitization agenda.

According to Bernama, the Minister of Communications and Digital, Fahmi Fadzil, said Malaysia needs about 27,000 cyber security experts but currently only has 15,000 people to help deal with the issue.

“This is a huge shortcoming because when we understand the need for cyber security, the average company, especially those heavily involved in the digital economy, will be concerned about cyber security issues, and there will be an urgent need to establish their cyber security unit.

“Each company depends on its size, it may need between 20 and 30 people, and if we look at small and medium enterprises (SMEs) for example, there is indeed a need,” he said after the Talk Room program titled Post Budget Presentation 2024 produced by Bernama TV.


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He also believes that the Ministry of Communications and Digital, through CyberSecurity Malaysia, has several efforts to strengthen the industry in dealing with cyber attacks.

“This matter can be overcome with the cooperation of public and private higher education institutions, also by bringing in experts from outside.

“The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim in the budget also stated some incentives such as whether Malaysians return to their homeland through TalentCorp and foreigners can serve in Malaysia as well as some other specific incentives,” he said.

Fahmi also said that, so far, his party has not set any target or period to meet the energy needs of cybersecurity experts because the industry is growing rapidly.

“There is no time estimate, but because the sector is growing rapidly, the number (of cyber security experts) will change year by year.

“When more companies established then there will be a need, so I see the numbers will be dynamic next year, maybe even bigger,” he said.

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