Top 10 World's Best Employers in 2023

Top 10 World’s Best Employers in 2023

Top 10 World's Best Employers in 2023The tech industry had a rough year, and thousands of people have lost their jobs since January. However, the largest technology firms in the world are also among the most beneficial to society. The new Statista and TIME ranking of the 750 best employers in the world is based on a formula of revenue growth, employee satisfaction surveys, and rigorous environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG or sustainability) data. The top four best employers are Microsoft, Apple, Alphabet (the company that owns Google), and Meta Platforms (formerly Facebook).

Since their carbon emissions are much lower than those of other companies with major physical footprints like airlines, hotels, or big manufacturing, tech companies, along with IT and consulting giant Accenture and financial-services company American Express, scored well as best employers too. The top four also received the highest employee satisfaction scores. All ten ranked highly because they have posted significant financial gains over the past three years while adhering to social governance principles like reducing emissions and increasing the number of women on their boards.

The rankings reveal who runs the global economy, with innovative software and business service providers replacing traditional industrial and consumer goods giants. In 2023, the most successful businesses will be able to manufacture goods like earlier generations while also benefiting their workers, investors, and the environment.

Here are the top 10 world’s best employers 2023 according to Time Magazine:

1. Microsoft

2. Apple

3. Alphabet

4. Meta Platforms

5. Accenture

6. Pfizer

7. American Express

8. Electricite de France

9. BMW Group

10. Dell Technologies

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