Auditor General recommends 4 federal financial actions

Auditor General recommends 4 federal financial actions

Auditor General recommends 4 federal financial actionsThe Auditor General recommended four federal financial actions regarding the Federal Government’s financial position last year.

According to a Berita Harian report, Datuk Wan Suraya Wan Mohd Radzi said the first recommendation was that the Federal Government should improve governance in managing public expenditure and intensify efforts towards the effectiveness of expenditure management.

Secondly, improving public debt management, which is debt capacity and sustainability as well as government guarantee management.

“This is to reduce fiscal risk, especially in a situation of uncertainty in the future.”

She said in the statement of the Auditor General’s Report (LKAN). It was on the Federal Government’s Financial Statements 2022, presented in Parliament on 10 October.

Wan Suraya said the third recommendation is that the government continuous monitor needs by the Chief Secretary of the Ministry and Head of Department on the work done by officers, including providing training to improve officer competence.

Fourth is the need to improve the effectiveness of the Internal Audit Unit (IAU) function in ministries and departments and ensure that UAD members receive sufficient training and guidance to prepare an annual audit plan so that auditing can be carried out according to priority.

“Making an objective and independent assessment, not only related to aspects of internal control. But also risk and organizational governance, reporting significant findings and recommending recommendations that impact the organization,” she said.

ALSO READ: BNM reports that the domestic financial system is stable

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