34,216 Occupation-Related Injury Cases Recorded in 2022

34,216 Occupation-Related Injury Cases Recorded in 2022

A total of 34,216 occupational injury cases were recorded in Malaysia in 2022, with 312 fatal cases, according to the National Occupational Accident and Disease Statistics 2022.

The statistics released by the Ministry of Human Resources (MOHR) in a statement also showed that the occupational injury rate in Malaysia in 2022 is 2.22 per 1,000 workers compared to the target of not exceeding 2.42.

“The rate of work-related deaths is 2.06 per 100,000 in 2022 compared to the target of not exceeding 3.38 set in the National Occupational Safety and Health Master Plan 2021-2025 (OSHMP25),” stated MOHR.

In comparison to the preceding decade, the rate of occupational injuries in 2022 decreased by 33% from 3.31 per 1,000 workers in 2012, while the rate of fatal work-related injuries decreased by as much as 56% from 4.64 per 100,000 workers in 2012.

In terms of occupational health, MOHR reported that 10,707 complaints of occupational diseases and poisoning cases were reported to the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSM) in 2022, an increase of 18% from 2020.

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7,143 instances have been identified as occupational disorders overall, according to investigations, the report stated.

According to MOHR, the increase in active occupational health physicians (OHD) in Malaysia, who went from 656 in 2012 to 1,112 in 2022, was one factor in the rise in awareness related to reporting workplace disorders.

According to OSHMP25, the three primary indicators that reveal the level of occupational safety and health practitioners (OKH) in Malaysia are the rate of occupational injuries, fatal injuries, and reports of occupational diseases.

The statistics are produced using a thorough analysis of occupational accident data from the public and private sectors that was gathered from four key agencies, including DOSM, the Social Security Organisation (SOCSO), data from the Work Disaster Ex-Gratia Scheme from the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM), and the Ministry of Finance.

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