Media women protest employment stagnation and inequality

Media women protest employment stagnation and inequality

Media women protest employment stagnation and inequalityThe Women in Media (WiM) 2024 Industry Insight Report reveals significant concerns among women in the media industry regarding career progress, gender equality, and workplace support. Here are the key findings and recommendations:

Career Progress

A significant portion of women in the media industry express dissatisfaction with their career progression:

  • 57% of women are dissatisfied or unsure about their career progress, with early and mid-career women showing the highest levels of dissatisfaction.

  • 49% of women with 5-10 years of experience feel they are not progressing as desired.

  • 47% of early-career women report dissatisfaction.

  • Over one-third attribute their dissatisfaction to a lack of opportunities.

  • 35% of women, particularly senior and mid-career professionals, are considering quitting their jobs within the next 12 months.

Gender Equality

The report highlights ongoing gender inequality within the media industry:

  • 56% of women hold a negative view of the industry’s commitment to gender equality.

  • On average, Australian women earn $269 less per week than men, translating to a 7% pay gap. In the media industry, this gap increases to 9%, equating to $409 less per week.

  • 69% of respondents advocate for gender pay audits to address the pay gap in the media industry.

Pay Concerns

Pay and promotional opportunities are significant concerns for women in media:

  • 58% of women are concerned about better pay.

  • The desire for better pay is the primary reason for women choosing to stay or leave their current roles.

  • 58% worry about the availability of senior roles.

  • 47% are concerned about limited promotional opportunities.

  • 25% fear being made redundant.

Support and Resources

The report also emphasizes the need for better support and resources:

  • 27% believe that being engaged or positively challenged is crucial to career progress.

  • 48% are concerned about the impact of budget cuts and a lack of resources.

  • 46% prioritize training on artificial intelligence, followed by podcasting and digital technology.

  • Two-thirds are positive about using AI for research and content creation.

Report Recommendations

Based on the findings, the report offers several recommendations to improve the experience of women in media:

  1. Enhance Transparency and Commitment to Gender Equality:

    • Improve transparency in workplace practices, especially regarding pay equality.

    • Commit to ongoing efforts to close the gender pay gap.

  2. Define and Communicate Career Opportunities:

    • Clearly define career paths and opportunities to help women navigate their progression within the industry.

  3. Focus on Training in AI, Podcasting, and Digital Technology:

    • Provide targeted training programs in emerging technologies to equip women with the skills needed for future roles.

  4. Foster an Engaging and Challenging Work Environment:

    • Create an environment where women feel engaged and positively challenged, which is crucial for their career satisfaction and growth.

The WiM 2024 Industry Insight Report underscores the need for significant changes to support women’s career advancement, ensure gender equality, and provide the necessary resources and training to thrive in the media industry.

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