KKM does not hesitate to take action against bullying

KKM does not hesitate to take action against bullying

KKM does not hesitate to take action against bullyingThe Ministry of Health (KKM) will not hesitate to take appropriate action against relevant parties if there is an incident of bullying among its employees, said its Minister, Dr. Zaliha Mustafa.

She said the Ministry of Health noted the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) survey regarding bullying cases involving public and also private sector medical practitioners in Malaysia.

Thus, Dr. Zaliha said the Ministry of Health has implemented the MyHELP system. It is a special platform for reporting bullying issues at the Ministry of Health, according to Bernama.


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“In that regard, I call on all health workers to report their complaints through the transparent complaint system, which has a high level of confidentiality,” she said in a statement.

On 15 October, the MMA study conducted between 15 September and 1 October. It found that 30 to 40 percent of doctors in this country were victims of bullying.

Moreover, the study also found that victims of bullying did not make complaints. They were afraid or did not know how to complain, and also no action was taken against the recorded complaints.

Dr. Zaliha said the Special Task Force for the Improvement of Health Service Work Culture (HWCITF), which has been established, is always engaged with the Ministry of Health.

It is to ensure that the mental health and welfare of its citizens are always maintained. So that incidents such as bullying can be dealt with.

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